School experience with Cecilia Brisman
November 26, 2017 App Interview

In this interview we organized it on November 25, 2017 in Bayside, New York. Tommy Wu had interviewed Cecilia Brisman who is a best friend of his. Cecilia shared about her school experience in the interview. She talks about her...

Sarah Gray & Jack Delaney, Blood Transfusion Recipient & Formerly Anonymous Blood Donor "Everyone deserves it."

Sarah Gray, age 47, (Washington DC) blood transfusion recipient, interviews Jack Delaney (61), one of the 10 anonymous strangers who donated 1 of the units of the blood she received during childbirth in 2010. "I'd like to make a new...

Madison O’Connell talks to Theresa O’Connell about how Theresa became the woman she is today

On November 26,2017 in Chicago, Illinois Madison O'Connell talks to Theresa O'Connell. Madison,Theresa's daughter, asks Theresa questions about her legacy and those who have inspired her in her life. She also discusses the challenges that she went through in order...

Recording – 05-30-2024 00:12:52

Daughter Cinthya (17 years old) interviews her mother Martha and discusses many of her experiences, memories, and beliefs not only as the mother figure she is now but as an individual growing up.

Making Dreams Happen

An injured equestrian, aspiring to become an Olympian, joins forces with an up-and-coming filmmaker/beekeeper. A married couple, the two inspire each other to accomplish all of their goals.

Luke and John discuss preparing for the climate emergency

In this interview, I talk to my roommate Luke about the preparations that his family has taken for the climate emergency. We also discuss how these preparations might look different for future generations, and Luke offers some advice to younger...

Paulette Isaac Napper and Tomeka Napper

Paulette Isaac Napper [no age given] talks with her daughter Tomeka Napper (45) about leaving a record for her grandson so he knows about her life growing up in the south during the 1960s, family traditions, Jim Crow, and black...