Gloria Weston-Smart, Joyce Thomas, and Joann Bynum Johnson

Sisters Gloria Weston-Smart (66), Joyce Thomas (64), and Joann Bynum Johnson (61) reminisce about their childhood together, remember family members who have passed away, and express gratitude for the tight-knit community that they grew up in.

Too Many Mice

Chloe Jennings(15) listens to her mom, Alex Jennings(49) as she tells a childhood memory of her first pet that was a disaster. (Image featured: Chloe at a young age with her mom, Alex)

Meet Ukrainian Folk Artist: Olga Kobryn

Folklife Director Lesley Schierenbeck interviews Olga Kobryn of the National Ukrainian Women's League Branch 98 of Monmouth County, New Jersey. Olga is a part of the arts and culture committee that produces exhibits and conducts workshops among many other projects....

Jane Baxter

Jane Baxter, 58, speaks about various experiences: growing up as a lesbian in the south, living out of her RV for a year, and being deeply influenced by music.

Elaine P. Zickler and Denise Maltese "It's Easier to Remove Layers than to Add Them"

dmaltese: 2021-07-18 21:09:45 Elaine Zickler talks to her daughter-in-law Denise Maltese about her childhood in Philadelphia and how it influenced her adult life; her psychoanalytic practice, her PhD in English, for example, developed through her keen interest in family stories...

Paul Mott, Patty Mott, and Bobby Mott

Paul Mott (52), Patty Mott (72), and Bobby Mott (73) share their family history including when Paul was born to an unwed mother. Paul's Aunt Patty and Uncle-In-Law Bobby describe to Paul how loved he was by both his grandparents....