#VeteransVoices: Serving On The High Seas

We talked about what it was like to serve in the Navy during the 80s on a daily basis and what was hard/good about it

John and nate

This interview was fun to take. I tried to focus on important stuff.

A Break from Reality

Joey Miller Calleja shares his experience enlisting in the US Navy. He reflects on how

Miles Abernethy with LTCDR Ronald Young, USN Retired

This was the first interview for Vets & Cadets: A Veterans Interview Project. Miles Abernethy talks about supply, service, and jobs

Dad’s experience in the Military

This interview with my dad shows the importance and some pieces of everyday life in the navy

Allen Kasmir unfolds his life to Hunter Sanchez.

Allen Kasmir talks about his childhood in New Jersey. And his service in the military, and life after.

My Grandpas amazing life

My grandpa has may amazing stories through out the video I really learned a lot about him.

The Military!

A little about my life in the military and cool places I’ve gotten to see

Interview with Dad

I interviewed my dad and he talked about his childhood, his time in the military and being a parent.