My Papa Jack

My papa Jack says he is very boring, but to me, I always love learning about about him. He told me about my mom, how he loved school and his jobs.

JFK Oral History // Oral History Project

My father and I sit down to talk about President John F. Kennedy, his assassination, legacy, and how he saw my grandfather save a guys life.

Kaitlyn McMurtry and Richard Kirkpatrick

One Small Step conversation partners Kaitlyn "Katie" McMurtry (30) and Richard "Rick" Kirkpatrick (63) talk about their traumatic experiences. They share thoughts about religion and the roles of the government.

Anna Doherty and Anthony Allred

One Small Step conversation partners Anna Doherty (48) and Anthony Allred (46) discuss their shared beliefs in the importance of having conversations, civic duty, travel to expand one's world view, compassion and being civic minded rather than politically-minded.