Universal Church – Paulist Fr. Steve Petroff

Paulist Fr. Steven Petroff is pastor of St. Patrick's Catholic American Parish in Rome. In this interview with Emanuele Sesta, Fr. Steve reflects on the 99-year-old Paulist ministry in the Eternal City and shares his own vocation story. To see...

Roman Memories – Paulist Fr. Greg Apparcel

Paulist Fr. Greg Apparcel is the new director of formation at the Paulist House of Mission and Studies in Washington, D.C. He moved to D.C. in October, 2020, after serving for 16 years as head of our ministry in Rome,...

Animal House

Dartmouth College is an Ivy League school with a beer belly. Dartmouth had notoriously rowdy students and frats with a lot of day drinking, to the point a movie based on the frats at Dartmouth was made called “Animal House.”...

"A Journey of Surprises" -Heather Kinney, with The Paulist Fathers

The Paulist Fathers serve in campus and hospital ministries, administrative roles, evangelization, and other pursuits. Heather Kinney helps Paulist seminarians hone in on the direction God may be guiding them toward. She’s the community’s Associate Director of Formation for Academics...

Friendships in Ministry – Paulist Fr. Bill Edens

Paulist Fr. Bill Edens is an associate pastor at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew in #GrandRapids, MI. In this audio interview, he shares his #vocation story and more with Emanuele Sesta. To see a short video with parts of this...

Not Finished Yet – Paulist Fr. Joe Ciccone

Paulist Fr. Joe Ciccone is vice rector of St. Patrick's Catholic American Parish in Rome, Italy. The parish serves Americans and other English-speaking Catholics in the Eternal City. In this interview with Emanuele Sesta, Fr. Joe reflects on his vocation...

From Experimental Psychology to Ministry: Paulist Father Paul Huesing

Paulist Father Paul Huesing says that in his post-graduate job in psychology, he was one of those fortunate people who woke up excited to go to work. But something was missing. That something turned out to be life as a...

Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family.

Jenny Rask: 2020-11-16 00:25:40 Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family. Starting off talking about the 2020 elections and Biden/Harris winning the election, turning the republican dominated senate democratic. He remember the life...

Preaching is a two-way street – Paulist Fr. Charles Kullmann

Paulist Fr. Charles Kullmann made his first promises to the Paulist community on August 17, 1974, and was ordained a priest on May 13, 1978. Fr. Chuck is pastor of St. Austin Church in Austin, TX. He previously served as...

God’s Talent Scout

Though Paulist Father Dat Tran embraces Jesus’ instruction to be a “fisher of men,” he’s learned that the harvest may not come overnight and to trust in the work of the Holy Spirit. In this interview, he speaks about transitioning...

Jenny Rask Interviews father Gene Rask about his life. Interview about Lee and Bonnie Rask and kids.

Jenny Rask: 2021-02-27 23:36:35 Interviews father Gene Rask about his life. Lee Rask was like a brother and Gene's protector. Lee rescues Gene from Hawthorne Grade school bully Henry Joe. Lee's help in Gene's decision making. Memorable visits to Bonnie...

Alaska, Appalachia and beyond: Paulist Father Michael Martin’s True Tall Stories

You can’t miss Paulist Father Michael Martin in gatherings of his community. He’s known as the “tallest Paulist.” His height exceeds a standard door frame. Walking with a cane, his is a commanding yet tender figure in the line of...

Missionary Priest – Paulist Fr. Charlie Brunick

Paulist Fr. Charlie Brunick recently celebrated the 52nd anniversary of his ordination as a #priest. In this interview with Emanuele Sesta, he shares details about this early life, vocation story, priesthood and service as a "#Missionary to Main Street." To...