Anjali & Erika discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 17, 2021 App Interview

Anjali and Erika take a dive into the emotional aspects of the climate crisis. They discuss emotional challenges that are present during this time as well as different forms of coping. Practicing yoga and taking walks are just the beginning.

Christina and Mel discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Christina Merrill, my classmate in ENV360 at the University of Michigan, and I take some time out of our day to discuss the climate crisis and resource descent. We get to hear Christina's views on the issues, what she knows...

Destiny Mitchell and Riley List discuss preparing for the Climate Emergency

Destiny and Riley touch on the relationships between attention, stress, and the climate crisis and resource descent. They also discuss how coping mechanisms can be used to improve resilience and the well-being of everyday people. Many of these concepts are...

Colleen and Hao discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 17, 2021 App Interview

Hao interviewed Colleen about the climate crisis and resource descent experienced in recent years and ways of coping that can be used to deal with those issues.

Mia Sinks and Emily Jinerson discuss preparing for the climate emergency

Emily Jinerson interviews Mia Sinks concerning preparation for the climate emergency and how class material from environmental psychology 360 ties into this.

William Lowry and Nicole Planken discuss preparing for the climate emergency
November 15, 2021 App Interview

Nicole and I have a conversation regarding the climate crisis and resource descent. Drawing from both personal experience and class materials, Nicole shares her findings on how to keep calm and carry on.

McKinley and Jordan discuss preparing for the climate emergency

We discuss how climate change can impact stress and directed attention fatigue and how that may influence our ability to address the climate crisis. In addition, we discussed how we can shape our environments and our behavior to cope with...

Amal and Robert discuss preparing for the climate emergency
February 1, 2022 App Interview

Amal talks with Robert about the behavior changes that the community would take to successfully respond to the climate emergency in his neighborhood by asking him to envision that it is 2030 and it has already happened.

Alicia Adams and Lavanya Gauri Pandit Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency

Alicia shared her take on the climate crisis and resource descent narrative and how it was a source of stress and fatigue. She also shared some of the coping mechanisms she uses around her including taking walks around her house....