Real interview – A legacy #APUSHinterview #mom

My mom and I talked about many things including her experience being a first generation American, her job, any regrets, and how she would like to be rememebered.

“What was your experience coming to the United States?”

To get a better opportunity for himself, Pasquale DiBari Sr. had to emigrate from his friends and family in Italy and immigrate to America. Throughout his journey, he endured many hardships and struggles, but it was all worth it in...

Interview with my cousin

I interviewed my Cousin Odalis Sanchez. She is 25 years old and we talked about her background. And how the obstacles she had to overcome

My Private Army

My 91 year old grandpa, Joe Jedeikin, was a young Jewish boy growing up in Switzerland during the Nazi Era. He tells a story about a fearful incident with the Nazis during his travels to his aunt's wedding in Latvia.

“It’s what you are doing while you’re here”

First generation kids, William Nguyen and Johnny Sundara, talk about their family beginnings. The two talk about the hardships that their family took on in order to find a new life in America. They are humbled by the sacrifices their...

Thanksgiving 2018

Given the current political climate, what was it like growing up in a first generation American family