The childhood of Edna Dodds my Mamaw

We talked about my grandmas life, and how she grew up

Interviewing My Grandma

We talked about nicknames, school, and favorite things.

Interviewing one of the most important people in my life

My grandma and I talked about her life as a child and her life now. We discussed her childhood, children, jobs, religion, memories, and acheviments.

Diging Deeper into my Grandma’s History

Because of this video I learned a lot more about my grandmas childhood and some of her favorite memories. I also discovered a lot of new things about my grandma!

Grandma’s story part 2

Grandma talking about life, part 2.

Thanksgiving listen interview

In this intwrview I learn about my grandma. This was a great experience.

Interview With My Grandma

We talked about my mom and significant events in my grandma's life. My grandma also gave some words of wisdom to her great great grandchildren.

Grandma’s Childhood.

In this interview I talked to my Grandma about her favorite childhood memories.

Story Corp (Natha Ostby)

A story of how my grandparents meet and my grandmas childhood.

My grandma -Finn

An interview with my grandmother about parents, children, siblings, and life overall.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen – Grandma Barb

Barbara Hilbush, my grandma and mother of three, speaks briefly about her experience growing up in a gender defined era, where it was hard for women to embrace independence and courage.

Discussing careers with Gracie
November 2, 2018 App Interview

Gracie discusses her interest in trauma nursing.

Mother’s Interview

This was an interiview done by me to my mom. She told me some of her greatest memories of her childhood and me. She also talked about her biggest influence in her life and proudest moments.

The Great Thanksgiving listen

My grandma and I talked about how it was growing up in her life and how it was compared to my life. We also talked about slavery and how it impacted her life. We compared my childhood to here and...

Life’s little lessons, with Renee Dzugan

In this interview we talk a lot about lessons learned in her life. Not backing down, learing to keep control and respecting family are all really big factors in her life today. We talk about Iris Hills, a dance class...

Grandmas Story

My 86 year old grandma was adopted when she was an infant, and she never knew her real family. This is my sister tell you how we found them


I asked my grandma about different effects on her life. She answered very descriptively.

My Mom’s story

My mom’s story of migrating to the United States from Mexico and explaining the difference between the two and how our lives were growing up without a dad.

On COVID-19, From a Nursing Home Resident

At Hillside Center nursing facility in Wilmington, DE, resident Robert Flowers details his experience with the hardships of the pandemic as a resident in a nursing home, how it compares to his other major life events, and his disregard for...

Moments of Joy -James Morgan

In this recording I share my earliest joyful memories, what brings me joy and who I am grateful for.

What Brings Me Joy

My name is Nate Shuman and I am in 12th Grade at the Dalton School in NYC. I started The Joy Project to create a space where individuals can listen and share what brings them joy and makes them happy....