
I talk to my partner Rob about his history of volunteering and how his understanding of service has changed over time.

Carolyn Cleary and Kevin Cleary

Carolyn Cleary: 2020-08-21 18:41:03 Carolyn Cleary (56) and her brother Kevin Cleary (68) discuss an episode in Kevin's life that Carolyn knew little about. He was a young anti-war activist in the early 1970s and was arrested for praying for...

Peter Bankson Reflects on His Vietnam Experience in Duc Pho 1966-67

Peter Bankson describes how he ended up going to Vietnam, his early experiences there and his involvements with the people of Duc Pho. He recalls a frightening mortar attack and the dawning realization that violence is no solution to humanity’s...

Michael Unruh and Mary Flannagan

One Small Step conversation partners Michael Unruh (37) and Mary "Meg" Flannagan (44) talk about affording dignity to all, talking to family about politics, and patriotism.

Missionary of Mercy – Paulist Fr. Bruce Nieli

This interview provides glimpses into the wonderful life and rich ministry of #Paulist Fr. Bruce Nieli, who celebrated his 50th #ordination anniversary this past May. Ordained a #priest on May 5, 1973, Fr. Bruce is part of our #preaching apostolate,...