“It was a better use of my life.”

Father Frank DeSiano calls himself a "lifer." He entered the Paulist junior seminary as a teenager. That was more than 45 years ago. He's a noted leader in evangelization or sharing of the Catholic faith. Father Frank has been the...

A creative–and a priest

Growing up as an only child afforded Paulist Fr. Tom Holahan a huge imaginary world, where his creativity was nurtured. He loved the creative life and exploring the world so much that he couldn't see himself taking on the responsibility...

"The Prophetic Push"

Evan Cummings, C.S.P., made his final promises to life with the Paulist Fathers in late 2018. Just before that, he spoke about how wikipedia led him to the community, how some of his most profound spiritual moments come while kneading...

Priest and Collegiate Athletics Superfan

When Paulist Fr. Bob O'Donnell was in high school, he mentored young kids from the poor side of town by playing basketball with them once a month. Today he's still reaching out to young people through athletics--attending many of the...

Acting Justly with our God

Paulist Fr. Tim Sullivan has been a social justice-minded community type from the start. His upbringing is deeply influential on his ministry. His youth included extensive involvement in the Christian Family Movement that works to make parishes a "family of...

Proud Papa to New Priests

Paulist Fr. Rich Colgan’s ministries have addressed some of the modern era’s most pressing needs. He's journeyed with and buried AIDS patients in the 1980s in New York. He's listened to Catholics reeling from clergy sex abuse in Boston. He...

"Priesthood? No way, no how, not a chance, never…"

When Paulist Father Don Andrie consider changing from tech worker to priest, he asked his best friends to tell him how crazy he was. They thought it was a great idea. Though he was long involved in ministry, the idea...

"A Journey of Surprises" -Heather Kinney, with The Paulist Fathers

The Paulist Fathers serve in campus and hospital ministries, administrative roles, evangelization, and other pursuits. Heather Kinney helps Paulist seminarians hone in on the direction God may be guiding them toward. She’s the community’s Associate Director of Formation for Academics...