Mom’s Thanksgiving Interview

I interview my mom and got a more in-depth overview of her life, childhood, and adulthood.

Interview with Ms. Mendelsohn

Ms. Mendelsohn is a science teacher at Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School. She is also a mother, daughter, and a wife. She has thankfully agreed to conduct an interview about legacy and decisions.

interview with Larry and Chris

Chris and Larry who live in a dorm together discuss random topics about life and scenarios. we are both 18.

A one of a life time lesson

In this interview conducted on January 13, 2019 in Irvine California, Diangelo Guevara, which is 16 years, interviews his grandfather, William Rodríguez, about his childhood in the country of Puerto Rico. Mr. Rodriguez shares stories about his harsh childhood and...

My Mother’s Journey to the US
November 25, 2018 App Interview

In this interview, my mother discusses her family life, immigration to the US, and the experiences that led to where she is today.

An interview with my father Zack Harmantzis

Happy memories, how my parents met and how life was lived through the years were discussed today in this interview with my father.

GTL 2017, CHS Keating

Joy Borowicz talks about her memories as a child, historical events she witnessed, and accomplishments as a parent.

Reynolds, Brandon (peer interview 11/20/23)

we talked about his future and his goals of how he will get his money. Then what he is gonna do with his money.

Interview with Gigi

We talked about Gigi’s childhood, my dad and her parents.

Grandmama’s Interview

We talked about what she was like as a child, the things she did as a child, and talked about her and my grandpa met.

My Mother’s Life

Jenny Leung, a mother of two, is interviewed by her daughter, Mingwai Lin. In this interview, she shares what she went through as a child and how it shaped her character. Through her experiences and her perspective, she shares the...

Stina Nanavati: A mother’s day interview

This is an interview with Stina Nanavati (mother) being questioned by John Nanavati (husband) and Ravi Nanavati (son). We asked questions about her family, the history of her talking feet, and a bit about her experiences with racism while growing...

An Interview With My Dad

This interview entails me asking my dad questions regarding my infancy as well as questions concerning his family life as a child. He tells funny stories about my sister´s reaction to my birth, a heartwarming memory from my first month...

My Grandpa, James Addison Hinman

This is my grandpa, James Addison Hinman. This interview was to show the life of my grandpa from upstate New York all the way to when he was the father of my dad. The interview goes through childhood, school, the...