1700 Miles from Home

Lisa Pfeffer talks about her life growing up on Long Island in an Italian-American family. She discusses being moved to Texas at 12 years old, and facing prejudices for being different. She reflects on her childhood 1700 miles away from...

Disappointing a Parent and a Favorite Childhood Memory, Two Stories of Youth.

What is the hardest thing you ever had to say to someone? Sometimes disappointing your parents is the only thing that will lead to your own happiness in life. My favorite childhood memory. A special toy and a birthday.

The Great Thanksgiving Day Listen with Lala and Ari

Ariana Ramos (14) talks to her grandmother, Naomi Ramos (77) about her childhood. They also talk about how she wants to be remembered, and about the life that she has lived and continues to live.

A Reflection On The Past

Janis Diamond (74) talks with her grandson Thomas Gauthier (16) about her childhood and how the world has changed since then.

Fathers memories

In this interview conducted in November 2017 in Chicago, Illinois Karina Sanchez (17) interviews her father Rafael Sanchez (41) about his life and many other things. I ask my father stuff about past moments and what was high school like...