Jose Thanksgiving story corps

In this interviewed we talked about moments his being going through in life that he is proud of.

Interview with Shelby

Shelby Kihega, age 19, is college athlete at MSSU. She runs cross country and track, arguably one of the hardest sports. In this interview, she describes the highs and lows of her favorite sport and what makes her her.

A little bit of my Armenian family

Kristine Avasapian, mother of the interviewer talks about her family heritage and culture. She gives us in debt insight on the history and traditions of Armenians and what Armenians have gone through with a personal touch.

Big Chicago Class Interview

I decided to interview my grandfather. He has worked in the medical field as an EMT for 37 years and Chief Paramedic for Gary Fire Department for many years.

David’s thoughts

We talked about life and growing up in a country and moving to another and how it affected racial views.

The interview

I interviewed my dorm roommate Aaron Salazar and discuss life goals.

Rachel and Sarah talk about Sarah’s SNC journey.

Rachel Mueller, communications specialist for the Mulva Library at St. Norbert College, interviews Sarah Titus, librarian for archives and special collections, about her experience as a student (Class of 2012) and now as a staff and library team member.

The Mind of a Second Year College Student

Today, we got to know a bit about Emmanuel and his experience throughout his first year of college. He tells us a bit about his experience and some of the things he believes we should know.

Chris Helten and Tom Rinkoski

One Small Step Partners Chris Helton (51) and Tom Rinkoski (71) have a conversation that analyzes electric as a power source and urban vs. city life.

College Students Reflecting on Life and their Hopes for the Future

Knowledge is power. Never stand still. Never stop growing. And never forget what made you who you are today.

Life Lessons with Chan pt.4

On this final part of Life Lessons with Chan, he talked about all the life regrets he doesn’t have! He believes that all of the “mistakes” he’s made were an opportunity for him to grow and learn. Maybe he shouldn’t...

Lioness Mom Nudging College Bound Cubs

In college I want my kids to learn how to turn knowledge into wisdom, but instead I have to teach how to dispose of used condoms and why they need to buy required textbooks. Have I failed at preparing my...

Cousin Isaac

An interview with family talking about life, relationships, and God.

TMI Scare

Interview with my father about the 1979 Three Mile Island Accident

Prabha Gutheti and Kerri Feazell

Prabha V. Gutheti (71) talks with her friend, Kerri Feazell (31), about the Los Angeles Term Program, religion and life lessons she's gathered along the way.

Nicole Poole and David Bowen

One Small Step partners Nicole Poole (52) and David "Dave" Bowen (59) talk about how trauma has shaped their lives, how they approach communicating across difference, and how they experience their own spirituality.

Bop Bop on life

My Grandfather, Luke Howe (or Bop Bop) talks about his life as a child in the cold war, his experience as the owner of a hardware store, and how he intends to live the rest of his life.

Power Interview-David Calvo

Interviewed my brother about his honest actions