Grandma & I

We talked about her husband, happiest memories, and her working life.

Interview with Jake Larabee

I Interviewed Jake Larabee about his life. We talked about growing up in Chico, his family, his job and a little bit about himself.

Interview of a Senior

Asked my peer to peer mentor questions about her experience here at Leeds

Maggie Donlevie, Ethan Humphrey, and Caroline Ries

Maggie Donlevie (19) interviews Ethan Humphrey (18) and Caroline Ries (17) about their experiences regarding college admissions during the COVID 19 pandemic

Interviewing Mrs. Johnson

I got to know more about Ms. Johnson’s life and why she’s so passionate about what she does.

Dad and me

In this interview that took place in Chicago,Illinois. Pilsen (mon Nov 27,2017). Johnny Gaytan (16) interviews his dad Dario Gaytan about his childhood and teenage years and how they affected his life now and what he would have done differently...

Dads interview

I interviewed my dad about his life and the experiences he has had.

Interview with Vicki (Crazy Thai)

Vicki speaks on her experiences being a foreigner from China in Grayson County.

Memories of a mere copy

Sharia talks about family, work, and looks back on her life as it is with her daughter Sabrina.


The interview was about what kind of job does my mother have and how did it affect her and her family. Also we talked about where she grew up and what she wanted to be when she grew up.

An Interview with my Parents

While on my way back to Rutgers I decided to talk with my parents about their childhoods

A Look into Grad School And STEM Fields

I interviewed my sister about her life and career goals and her experiences in the college, grad school, and STEM communities. As a high school senior, I found it interesting to hear about the life outside of traditional college. I...

FYS Interview about the theme of occupation with Genci Jajka by Shawna Jajka

I interviewed my dad for my First Year Seminar class at Marshall University. Our FYS class has been focusing on critical thinking and how thoughtfully developed and artfully asked questions can lead to enriching and enlightening stories. Frank Sesno’s ‘Ask...

Lessons Taught Through Past Generations

I interviewed my Grandfather to learn about the factors that led to his career choice.

Trading Places: A story of my Father’s trading days with the Tarahumara in the Sierra Madres
December 4, 2018 App Interview

This interview entails my fathers experiences in trading with the Tarahumara of the Sierra Madres in Chihuahua, Mexico. This interview contains stories, realities and personal experiences of being of being apart of two worlds.

Interview with Mahmoud

Talking about art, family, being first-generation American and work.

A story about a hard worker

My grandpa started working when he was thirteen, he never dated and he looked up to his dad. After his dad retired he bought Napa and worked very hard there for 42 years before he retired.


On Thanksgiving day, I (Emily) and Joenna participated in an interview where we talked about the similarities in our lives and how being an Asian American influences it!