Esmeralda imigra a Milwaukee, WI

My aunt immigrated to Milwaukee, WI to have a better future and had to overcome the obstacles and get usted to life in the US.

A Hard Time in America

A young women moves to America with her husband and kids to help her family back home

Sonia Vela Coming to America

Sonia Vela’s story of her immigration to America from El Salvador.

Ryan Buxton LHP Georgetown MA

My mom talks about growing up in the 80s and the complications regarding education and immigration.

“I even told myself I wanted to become a carpenter.”

Since he was young, my dad aspired to become a carpenter and build infrastructure where he grew up, a city called Zamboanga City that was not so urbanized as it is today. He did not envision moving to a new...

The great Thanksgiving Interview

In this quick interview my grandmother was able to explain how her past life has shaped her as a person . Her childhood was very intense yet interesting when it came to be adventurous and learning new things . As...