Chickens, Covid and creative community

Krista discusses her life as a homeschool mama of three young children and the hope that keeps her going during this unpredictable time.

Interview with my dad

This is an interview of my dad, Chris Cummings. Growing up, he liked a lot of similar things as me such as playing outside with his younger siblings and being very involved in sports. He told a story of his...

The Home-school Experience

Cameo Brown spent her high school years at home. Although her mother was trying to protect her, Cameo feels that being home-schooled kept her from fully experiencing life.

The Active Cajun Pharmacist

We talked about my Grandpa's childhood, how he met my Nana, his journey through weight loss, and his career

Janeen Richards and Patricia Burkett

One Small Step partners Janeen Richards (59) and Patricia Burkett (53) discuss family estrangement due to politics on social media, their Covid experiences, and spirituality.

Russell Person and Ria Williams

One Small Step conversation partners Russell "Russ" Person (62) and Ria Williams (38) talk about the importance of education, the role of government in the social safety net, and diversity in sectors like academia and STEM