Owen Barrett and Larry and Penny Hiler

Owen Barrett (16) talks to his grandparents (70) in Wisconsin about memories of the holidays. Such as Owen's memory of marching in the 2019 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the story of the toppling Christmas tree.

Paula Goble and Sonja Bryant

Sonja Bryant (50) shares a conversation with her friend, Paula Goble (62), about Paula’s childhood, her family, and her siblings. Sonja and Paula also talk about growing up in the Columbus, Georgia area and about a trip they took together...

A Young Artist Gets A Miracle!

That morning I wished that I could meet with the famous band and network with them. That night I was on stage singing with them! A miracle in Monterrey and in my life as an artist.

Marion Hoyt (Grandma 82 yr) and Dan Higgins (Grandson 32 yr) in Grand Central Terminal, 2007 near Christmas.

Marion talks about her life, especially her younger years. A special story about Christmas, stories she would tell me as a kid (about her grandma). Her experiences as a home away from home for West Point Cadets. Grandma was the...

A walk into the past with my grandmother

The interview was conducted in my living room. We disscussed what it was like for her growing up with 5 kids in her family in a small town in a rural area. What games she liked to play, what she...