Paula Sandusky – New York Trip

My aunt talked about her job, her life before the center and after.

Gabrielle Azar-Levin and Philip Azar

Philip Azar (52) interviews his mother Gabrielle Azar-Levin (73) about her family and her life, particularly her younger years in Tehran, Iran.

RR English American Dream Interview

This interview discusses the American Dream with my aunt. We go into depth about the culture and politics related to this Dream.

Interviews On The Road With Grandpa

Jack Beyer interviews his grandfather Carl Harbart with tales of family from ye olden days

Interview with grandpa

On December 10th Anabella Wade interviewed her grandfather Jorge Leyva. He lived in Tijuana and went to school learning English. In Tijuana he met his love juanita Leyva and moved to America and had 5 children.