"Speak the truth in love is not the worst advice…" – Ben Brazil shares stories of travel, writing, politics and the people of Richmond, IN

If you struggle with the current political climate (especially the public discourse), take a listen to Ben's interview. Learn about his early life, his path to Richmond, religion, and his career/projects. He also talks about the way he navigates current...

Starting Fresh – David &a Jamie McEachin

Speaking with my father about his childhood with 9 siblings and Catholic parents, his time establishing his own identity, and our family and the future.

Interview with my Dad, Kris Bittner

In this interview, my dad talks about his experience with his youth group as a child as well as his and his families background.

Saunders-Dowell Interview

Nathan Saunders (16) and Stephen Dowell (37), members of the Trinity Episcopal School Community, talk about family, religion, and other life topics.