My american host mother and the military

My name is Titi. I am an exchange student from Hungary and I had a talk to my American host mom about her military years, her life and my exchange.


I learned a lot of things about my dad

esme interview

we talked about how childhood, what has impact her life and favorite hobbies.

Savannah Hill and her Grandpa Adolph Svec’s experiences from college, the military, and his family.

An interview with my grandfather about his experiences and reflections on his life during his different careers. He talks about his military life, teaching life, important people in his life, and the history of his parents and grandparents.

The Big Yellow and White Truck

My Italian/Ukrainian Grandma talks about her childhood and raising her kids. Even though it was hard for her and her husband to earn enough money to raise 2 girls and 2 boys, she remained humble. She remembers how they waited...

Mother Daughter Trip

A trip taken to New York in 2005 to visit family. Loretta took her six month old daughter Alea for the weekend to New York to visit her brother and see the sites.