Sammy and Ellie talk about preparing for a climate emergency

Ellie and Sammy discuss useful general methods for being prepared. We talk about alt methods for gathering resources, being adaptive, and keeping the community members on the same page.

“To be honest, I didn’t have much of an idea of what was ahead…”

In this father-son discussion, 14 year old Arnav Gunwani interviews his father Manoj Gunwani about making the shift to the United States in 1992 to pursue a masters degree at Syracuse University. Mr. Gunwani talks about his expectations for a...

Lack of resources for those with special needs

This interview is with my friend Alyssa Larson who has experienced a lack of resources regarding her special needs sister.

Interview with campus resource

I talked to a residential advisor in my dorm about what it’s like being in that position and all the advantages/disadvantages that go along with it.

Homelessness Prevention Coalition

Interview with Lucia other the Homelessness Prevention Coalition at the Piñon Project in Cortez, CO. Interview goes over her job and how she serves the homelessness community.

Interview with my Mom

Mom talks about her inspirations and trip from Poland to the US at a young age.

Tiffany Do and her librarian, Cindy Die, talks about her happiest moments in Boston, Massachusetts.

In this interview, conducted in November 2018 in Boston, Massachusetts, Tiffany Do (16) interviews her librarian Cindy Die (60) about her happiest moments in her college experience. Ms. Die shares stories about what she have learned in life as she...

Journalism Assignment

Zainab Ahmed speaks about her experiences in college so far and some of her struggles throughout college. She also speaks about why she’s doing what she’s doing and how she plans to carry out her future.