Benjamin Marshall & Laura Smith

Laura recently met Benjamin, who went to school with her brother, Berkeley, who has Down syndrome. Benjamin sat next to Berkeley in sixth grade and he talked about the impact that year had on his life. Because of his exposure...

Holly & Bentley Fox

Holly talks about being an advocate for her trans daughter and how that led her to becoming a member of several PFAC (Patient Family Advisory Council) groups before she found one at the Institute for Human Caring that was advocating...

Mike Hayes, Emily Peters and Scott Acord

Emily shares her experience of being the eldest of 4 children whose father died when she was 12, just 6 yrs after her mother died. Emily, had been the only mother her siblings knew and when they moved their aunt...

Ashley Jardin and JP Ramirez

Ashley & JP have a conversation about the Aloha spirit, people of Hawaii, and what it means to "talk story" sharing ourselves, the importance of honoring a people's culture with respect, living our values, being in good company with each...

Christine Kostrubala and Sarah Rasmussen

Christine shares personal stories about the challenges of getting good healthcare as a deaf person. Being disrespected, misinterpreted, and not being able to trust doctors and others in the healthcare system.

Jami Gramore & Scott Acord

Jami, is an only child for their adopted parents and has a complicated relationship with them mainly because of their gender identity of queer/nonbinary. Throughout their life they have struggled with depression and anxiety, but are working through it with...

Thu Pham and Liz Wessel

Thu shared her story and Journey from Vietnam to the united States with her village. Thu discussed how their strong faith and love of their family kept them strong.

Laura Reyes & Scott Acord

A positive experience Laura had with a nurse when her father died on Christmas morning, has shaped her career in Patient Experience. Laura shares stories about her fathers influence in her life and her families Christmas Eve celebrations.

Mike and Jennifer Hayes

When Jennifers brother died, she and her husband Mike took in his four kids who mother had died 6 yrs prior. This was a big adjustment for everyone, but 7 years in everyone seems to have adjusted. One of the...

Karen Ashley & Mike Drummond

As a Black woman, Karen has faced racism in the workplace and has been the only person of color in a meeting many times throughout her career. She shares with Mike what drew her to the DEI work she does...

Carmen Marshall & Bentley Fox

Carmen opened up with Bentley about a negative experience she had when she took her trans son to seek healthcare. Wanting to ensure that never happened again, Carmen became an advocate for her son's healthcare along with others who needed...

Rabbi Janet Madden & Scott Acord

Rabbi Janet Madden shares with Scott the significance of the high Holy-days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and what they mean to her. How an aptitude test at age 12 foretold of her becoming a Rabbi back when women...