Gissell Flores and her aunt Gabriela Pinedo talk about life lessons.

In this interview, Gissell Flores and her aunt, Gabriela Pinedo, talk about some of the lessons life has taught them. Her aunt shares a profound religious experience she had with her younger child, Jacob. She gives teenagers an advice that...

Dad at nearly 50

Getting to know my dad’s childhood in Spanglish. From San Rafael, a small ranch near Huejucar, Jalisco, Mexico to Southern California and three very American daughters. He talks about life lessons and loss.

From Then to Now: A Life’s Journey

Married couple Rosa and Luis “Arturo” Perez talk with their granddaughter, Natalia, about their early life in Mexico to their journey and life experience to New York and Texas.

el Camino de Domingo

En esta entrevista, Domingo habla de su camino de México a los Estados Unidos. El menciona que en su proceso de estar aquí tenía que adaptarse para enfrentar obstáculos para prosperar en Nueva York donde llegó. El dejó la familia...

Martha Reyes and Martha Rojas

Madre e hija Martha Rojas (85) y Martha Reyes Rojas (45) habla de la vida de Martha Rojas en La Ciudad de México, su historia familiar y sus reflexiones sobre la vida. Mother and daughter Martha Rojas (85) and Martha...