Thank you Mom !!

we talked about how my fathers life was as a child growing up. His memories with his grandfather and his parents

Gissell Flores and her aunt Gabriela Pinedo talk about life lessons.

In this interview, Gissell Flores and her aunt, Gabriela Pinedo, talk about some of the lessons life has taught them. Her aunt shares a profound religious experience she had with her younger child, Jacob. She gives teenagers an advice that...

el Camino de Domingo

En esta entrevista, Domingo habla de su camino de México a los Estados Unidos. El menciona que en su proceso de estar aquí tenía que adaptarse para enfrentar obstáculos para prosperar en Nueva York donde llegó. El dejó la familia...

A journey to the past.

This was an interview I did with my mother about her past events and thoughts. The interview took place in the kitchen of our apartment in Orange County. I asked my mom about her childhood and how she was raised,...