Mi vida en una maleta

Esta es la historia de migración de mi madre, Myriam Alvarado. En esta entrevista nos cuenta desde su perspectiva cómo lo es dejar todo por la esperanza de tener una vida mejor en un país muy lejano al suyo.

La historia de R.G

En esta entrevista, mi tío y yo hablamos sobre su experiencia como inmigrante. También como llego a los Estados Unidos y como fue su experiencia en los Estados Unidos.

Talking with Dr. Luis O. Vasconez

Dr. Luis O. Vasconez (83) talks with his granddaughter, Elisa Herrera (17). The two discuss various topics including stories from Dr. Vasconez's childhood as well as what it was like to grow up in Ecuador. Stories about his family's move...

Love and sacrifice

The story of an immigrant who left everything behind to come to United States. She speaks of her struggles and goals that she still hopes to accomplish. The love she has for her kids drives her to be a better...

Interview con mi madre

My mom and I talk about the past and how our relationships have developed overtime. Also some family stuff and ADD

Entrevista con mi mami :)

It was mostly childhood questions. We also talked about life lessons and funny and scary stories

Zaira’s Story From Ecuador
October 6, 2022 App Interview

This is an interview with Zaira, who immigrated from Ecuador at around 11 years old. In this interview, she talks about immigrating and her experience in America.

Juan Patricio Morocho’s Ecuadorian Youth

Juan Morocho's life in the 1970s to early 1990s. His life during Latin America's revolutionary time period, and his personal story entering the United States. I asked him about his life under a military government, and he mentions that inability...

La vida de mi tía Janet

Mi tía, Janet Rodriguez, 37, nos cuenta su vida que ella y su familia tuvieron para tener la oportunidad de vivir cómodamente. Ella describe todos los desafíos que tuvo ella y su mamá, para soportar la familia en Ecuador y...

Zaira’s Story From Ecuador
October 17, 2022 App Interview

In this interview, Zaira talks about immigrating from Ecuador and her experience within the US.

"Find joy in success"

I interview my mom, Stephanie Kirk, and ask her questions about her life in Salt Lake City. We talk about her career as an interior designer, some life lessons, and impactful experiences.

Project Interview with my mom

We mostly seemed to talk about the education and decisions my mom made in her life. Coming to America was a really big deal, and it changed our lives. Focusing on religion was also a big deal, as it made...

Interview with Maria Ruiz

In the interview there was mostly talking about Maria Ruiz’s life story and goals and ideas. Maria Ruiz was born and raised in Ecuador and talks a lot of about being raised and then coming to a different country. Also...

Segundo Tamay : Su historia de inmigración en el 2000

En esta entrevista, mi padre Segundo Tamay comparte sus obstáculos en el camino al inmigrar a los Estados Unidos, como haber sido deportado muchas veces en el camino pero nunca darse por vencido. Al llegar a Estados Unidos desde Ecuador,...

Niñez y cosas de la vida- Marilyn and Fredy Orellana

Fredy Orellana talks with daughter Marilyn Orellana, who is 17yrs old. Interview took place in Chicago, Illinois on December 6, 2017. Fredy talked about his childhood and how he was when he was young. He explains his father’s reason to...