Jonathan Gomez Interview on 9/11

I talked to a family friend, Pete Puga, on how his experience was during the attacks on 9/11.

A New Face in the White House

My partner and I discussed about the presidency of Barack Obama and how it affected the world.

Election of 2008

I briefly interviewed my friend on what she remembers from the election of 2008.

1967 Detroit Riots

This is an interview with my grandmother about her experience in Detroit while the riots were taking place.

Interview with my Grandma

Gavin age 13 interviews Jeanne age 67. The topics include family, school, history, and relationships.

Brian Lis 9/11

My dad and I talk about his remembrance of 9/11.

Adventures from Ohio to India and many places in between

Lawrence Siddal (91) is interviewed by Rachel Behlke (23) about his life, his adventures, and his thoughts. These adventures range from him growing up in Ohio to being drafted to Germany to driving out to India to having to work...

Interview of Nolan Hendrickson by Isaiah Schlittenhart; November 13, 2023

Isaiah Schlittenhart discusses American chess history with Chess National Master and psychiatrist Nolan Hendrickson.

The Vietnam War- Cheryl Tank

I speak with my mother about our family's experience during the Vietnam war.

Baltimore ’68: one more arson

A story of growing up in Baltimore in the 1950s and 60s, and how the riots after Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination affected one family.

The First Gulf War

A discussion with my father about what his memories of the First Gulf War were.

His1050 Sydney Grenier interview with ken Nelson

I spoke with my grandfather about the day Kennedy was assassinated. He recalled specific details and events of that day and you can listen to that in this interview!

The Necessary Transitions

On November 24th, 2017, in Sherman Oaks, California, fourteen year old Gehna Chugani interviewed her grandmother, Chitra Chugani about her close knit family, her childhood, and her move from Pakistan to India to the U.S.A. The happy memories from when...

His 1050 interview

In this interview, I discuss the opinion on the Cold War and the Relationship between Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan.

WHAP Oral History Interview

I interview my mom about the Babri Masjid incident that she was very close to when riots broke out at the Babri Masjid mosque. She goes on to explain what has changed with the issue and what has remained constant...

Election of 2008

The election of 2008 was discussed in the interview and how it had impacted Jewel as foreigner in America. It helped her evaluate what the future might end up like for her the good and bad

Love, Riots, and Violence, at USC

Ann Garrett, from Clovis, California, in her junior year of USC, 1992, was put into the middle of the Rodney King riots. It is a firsthand story of someone stuck in a violent protest. Interviewed by Luke Garrett, 14, her...

Iraq war interview

Questions about his time in Iraq and thoughts about the war