How the news and media has evolved over time with the expansion of technology

In this interview, my mother discussed how she grew up without much technological assets and how the media outlets have developed into what they are today.

New media project

We talked about how media has changed over the years and how media differs in different countries.

How can we fix the media?

Maeve discusses how to try create impartiality in the media.

Becoming a helping hand!

In this interview I asked my sister questions on her experience in working in UCLA hospital and how she got there.

Media in the past and present

Interviewing Debbie and her taking us through how media has changed in her life.

The Evolution of the Music Industry

I am an 18 year old college student interviewing my mother, Audrey Coulbourn, regarding how the music industry has evolved over the past 50 years.

Communication in the past, present, future

An interview between a grandson, Garrett (19), and a grandmother, Lori (61) about the ways in which communication changed from when she was a child and where it will go.

Mass Comm Interview with Mom

I talked to my mom about the various ways in which mass media differed in her childhood v mine.

Research Interview – Alex Rasky

This is an interview with Elijah Oscar regarding an Interview assignment for Research in Media Communications.

Ethics in Political Media

Mathias Miles talks to me about his work in campaigns and the ethics that go into play.

Missing the Simplicity of Early TV or are we Sick of Turning the Knob?

My name is Anica Cajayon and I interviewed my father, Jaime Cajayon, about what it was like growing up in a less technologically advanced society. We compared many different aspects of broadcasting and television in general such as streaming services,...

Beenish and Audeline Discuss Preparing for the Climate Emergency

We talked about where Beenish lives now and how she decided on what house to buy within the last year while considering things like basement availability and tornadoes. We also talked about her neighborhood in general.

Grandfather to grandaughter

the most important things in life aren't what you think.

Interview with Sam

In this interview, Sam talks about his experience as a freshman at NCSU. He also shares his experience working for ridio station at high school and for Sudent Media at NCSU.

How communication evolved over my lifetime – a MASC 101 project

Professor Rader describes her relationship with forms of communication and media over the years.