Interviewing my Mother- the role food plays in our relationship

Mother Vanessa Roman (46) and Daughter Elianny Ramirez (20) discuss the role food plays in their relationship from Miami, Florida.

Recording – 11-15-2023 19:18:24

practicing for the big one. I talk to my roommate about the cafeteria.

Interview with former restaurant owner.

I interview my mother who recently retired from her career as a businesswoman and restaurant owner.

Cole Parenti with Lisa Gropper, and Linda Solomon

Cole Parenti (20) interviews his Aunt Lisa Gropper (59) and her mother/ his Nana Linda Solomon (83) about their lives, raising children and the effect Food, energy, and water had on it.

Serious Chairs Interview with Dad

Son asks Dad questions before going back to college for finals and getting a winter job

Interview with a Food Elder

This is my interview with my mother, Karen Goecker about her favorite recipe, Japanese curry rice.