Grandpa at Christmas
December 9, 2019 App Interview

We had a brief conversation about where he grew up, school and career.

Interviewing the person I’ve know my whole life… but I don’t really know, my mom

For a school project we had to interview someone in our lives and I choose my mom, so this is that a whole 45 minuets of a child and a mother learning more about one another!

Tell me about you.
December 13, 2017 App Interview

This is a grandson interviewing his grandfather about his life and life in general.

My Mom

We talk about how the world has changed, her happiest memorie, family traditions, and her greatest accomplishment.

How well does my best friend know me?

I asked my friend 7 questions about me to see how well she actually knows me. She did pretty well, only missed a part of one question.

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles

Interview with Brittany Jacobs and Gavin Miles the day after confirming they are having a baby

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

My grandpas life and what he has been through and what his life was like when he was younger. What it was like to be in the military and what he went through during his years of life.

Robert Family Reunion and Grandpa Robert, Cubs Fan, WWII Vet, Family Man

Daniel Martin Robert's reminiscences of the Robert Family Reunion and Grandpa Robert as we are all on lockdown because of corona virus and wondering if the Robert Reunion will happen this year.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen: Kowanda Stroud

In this interview my grandmother covers stories of our family, the love of her life, and advice for years to come.


I interviewed my mom about how I was as a child and how being a parent has changed her.

The great thanksgiving listen interview.

I asked my mom about her life and I learned a few things about her and her family. My baby sister was also there eating and throwing popcorn.

Interview With My Opa

Born one of seven in World War Two Germany, Emil (Mike) Kropf speaks about his life—his experience coming to America, being drafted in the U.S. army, meeting the love of his life on a train and coming back to raise...

Interview with my dad-Great thanksgiving listen 2018

An interview with my dad about his childhood and early adulthood

Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family.

Jenny Rask: 2020-11-16 00:25:40 Jenny Rask Interviews dad Gene Rask about his life. Growing up with his family. Starting off talking about the 2020 elections and Biden/Harris winning the election, turning the republican dominated senate democratic. He remember the life...