Thanksgiving 2019 Interview- Cara Cagan- Woolsey Fire

Talking about the experience before and after the Woolsey Fire, which threatened Calabasas, CA.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about her life and when she was younger. She also talked about some of our family members, my mom when she was younger

interviewing my aunt!

We talked about my aunts life and,who impacted her and how she got through life. Also about her siblings and family.

The interview of ana marin

My mother talks about her child hood, family life , relationship, etc

Uncle Gary Lazzara: From the Past to the Future

After over 10 years of pancake-filled breakfasts and festive holidays with him, Felicity finally decided it was time to give back. For the first time in a long time coming, she decided to put her Uncle Gary in the spotlight....

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Interview with my dad about his past and my future.