interviewing my aunt!

We talked about my aunts life and,who impacted her and how she got through life. Also about her siblings and family.

Life in Quarantine: Aniceto Andres Solares Part 1

After living through a pandemic since March 2020, five people share their unique experiences and how the COVID-19 outbreak has affected their lifestyle, mental health, physical health, views, etc. Recorded August 16, 2020


We talked about my dads life as a child and people who inspired him.

Kaylee and Kim Garcia

Kaylee asks her mom about her childhood and growing up. They look at differences in their childhood and similarities such as how much they like school. Kim talked about other things some kids get to do like going to camps....

An interview with my father Zack Harmantzis

Happy memories, how my parents met and how life was lived through the years were discussed today in this interview with my father.

Evelyn Fuller’s first interview

We talked about what it’s like being a 3-year-old, as well as a lot of Disneyland memories.