The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about her life and when she was younger. She also talked about some of our family members, my mom when she was younger

interviewing my aunt!

We talked about my aunts life and,who impacted her and how she got through life. Also about her siblings and family.

The interview of ana marin

My mother talks about her child hood, family life , relationship, etc

Service Learning Interview

My mother speaks on her life experiences and accomplishments.

Love, Life, and the Value of Family

I sit down with my grandpa, Dale Morris, age 84, and learn a bit about love, life, and the value of family.

Dinner with Sullivan C.

After an enjoyable dinner with my friend Sullivan Clisham, I asked him pressing questions about his life and legacy. We discussed childhood memories, regrets, and what the future holds as young adults. We are 17 years old preparing for college...