Aluminum Foil + Rabbit Ears= Television

I (Jordan James) sit down with family friend Eddie Nelson and talk about the rise of television, his brief acting career, and how he used aluminum foil to get a signal of the back of his TV.

Living History Project

We talked about growing up in the South during the 50s and 60s. We also talked about the Kennedy family.

“I knew I was on dangerous ground:” Two men working to tell the story of a lifetime.

Fred and Craig talk about their five-year project to write Fred’s life story, a story with roots in the South during the Great Depression, and stops in the Army, the prize-fighting world, Harlem, Sing-Sing Prison, and Washington DC.

Malisa Flowers

Talking to my grandmother and great grandmother about their upbringing in the south and migrating to the north.


I interviewed my grandmother about her childhood and growing during segregation.

Civil rights movements

This interview is with my grandfather. The main topic is about the civil rights movement and his life during that time. He talks about many different points in his life. Also his thoughts on segregation. He expresses hiw the schools...

Racism’s big impact on Boston in 1978

What would happen to a kid who was surrounded by racist people? I, Dante Battista, age 15, interviewed my father, Richard Battista, age 55. This interview was taken in Los Angeles, California, on January 6th, 2020. This interview is about...