Global Arizona with Lyes Garidi

Lyes, a French-American, gives his opinion on current events in the United States today as well as contrasting them with his history in France

Global Arizona

Leia Pisor, a global citizen and student at ASU, discusses her life experiences and opinions on thinking globally.

Global Arizona – Mother and Daughter Discuss Family History and Immigration

My mother and I discuss her family’s story of immigrating from Serbia to the United States in 1970. She is the youngest of four siblings (pictured above).

Kaleb and Grandpa Baxter

Sat down and talked with my Grandpa Baxter, an Air Force Veteran and amazing Grandfather.

Interview with Col. Chris Faber by Tristan Silva II

Mr. Faber and I discuss from his time at WesPoint all the way through the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and conclude by looking towards the future.

Global Arizona: Stella Saperstein Part 1

In this three-part interview I had the pleasure of interviewing the wonderful Stella Saperstein. We talked everything from her life growing up in the Soviet Union, her passion for music,her journey to the United States, and reconnecting with family.

Global Arizona with Ron Birks

Ron Birks, Senior software engineer and international representative of Honeywell international Inc, tells of his experiences abroad, Arizona’s global connections and his experience studying languages