The Great Thanksgiving Listen – Grandma Barb

Barbara Hilbush, my grandma and mother of three, speaks briefly about her experience growing up in a gender defined era, where it was hard for women to embrace independence and courage.

Growing up

Wes grew up in a small town which shows in his manners that he uses and the way he respects others. He elaborates on these morals more in the interview.

Growing up rural in the 30's

Growing up on a farm, getting a pilot's license, and getting the family together for Christmas are just a few things discussed in this nostalgic interview.

profile interview

my grandma growing up in small town virginia to moving to richmond

2 Jenny Rask Interview 3/4 of Father Gene Rask about the births of his brothers and their relationship with their father.

Jenny Rask: 2020-08-25 Jenny Rask (49), Interviews father Gene Rask (88), about the births of his brothers and their relationship with their father growing up in Butte, Montana. Gene talks about his father's advice to his children, his parenting style...

The great thanksgiving listen

My grandmothers life in the country. She talks about how she lived, what her parents were like her views on god. Also she shares some childhoods stories.

Interview between Julie Barefoot and Jason Barefoot

Jason Barefoot speaks with his mother about their most fond memories of Decatur, what makes someone or something "quintessentially Decatur" and, how Decatur has informed their life experiences.