Growing up

Wes grew up in a small town which shows in his manners that he uses and the way he respects others. He elaborates on these morals more in the interview.

profile interview

my grandma growing up in small town virginia to moving to richmond

Interview between Julie Barefoot and Jason Barefoot

Jason Barefoot speaks with his mother about their most fond memories of Decatur, what makes someone or something "quintessentially Decatur" and, how Decatur has informed their life experiences.

John Metz Childhood
August 24, 2022 App Interview

Alexia Berry (18), John Metz (50) adoptive father, early childhood 80s to 90s military family.

Carl Lunn and Deborah Lunn

Carl and Debbie share some stories of Carl's early years, then their life together, married for 50 years. Debbie skillfully redirects Carl's answers when his memory is challenging him to recall details.

Experiences that shape who we are

Amy Russell sharing experiences of growing up in a small town, life for her in high school, and memories of being an exchange student in Spain.