Interviewing Barbara Levine, my amazing grandmother!

I asked my grandmother about her childhood and how she wants to affect the world. I generated an understanding of how our major family tradition is to to good in the world.

Lee Kempf’s childhood in Madison, Wisconsin and his Military service.

Lee Kempf talks about his childhood in Madison, Wisconsin during the depression and his military service in Okinawa.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about her life and when she was younger. She also talked about some of our family members, my mom when she was younger

Adam walkers Interview with Don walker

I talked to my grandfather about his life and family. I asked how his work life affected him

Entrevista a papá

We talk about being optimistic in this difficult moment of our life, about hard work, family and about our country Venezuela.

“Game 7, 7 Questions”

Marissa and her Mom have a conversation while watching Game 7 of the World Series 2016 (during the commercials). The game went on for hours and went into extra innings. Cubs Win! Cubs Win! Cubs Win!

Clubs and Teams at Whitney Young HS

Whitney Young student Ainsley Shaw interviews alumni Rachel Berger about her team and club experiences throughout HS