Being a Mom

Camila Hernandez (18) talks with her mom, Elodia Cruz (51), about parenthood and the way Camila grew up.

Molly Peacock and Michael Groden

Poet Molly Peacock (73) talks with her husband, Michael Groden (73), a James Joyce scholar, about their sixty-year love story that was interrupted for twenty years. They talk about ongoing love, Mike's melanoma, the novel Ulysses, and the parallel lives...

Testimony: Sophie Cheung and Miffia Huang

Sophie Cheung (16) talks with her best friend, Miffia (16) about their long-distance friendship since Sophie left Vancouver, Canada 6 years ago.


Ed douma (75) discusses a lot of topics with his grandchild, Finnegan Douma (13). the main topic said in the interview was about Eds childhood. he talked about his journey from the Netherlands to Canada and told stories about his...

Monty and Karen Lunt talk about their love life and relationship together.

In this interview (November 27, 2022) in Leesburg Virginia, Monty Lunt and Karen Lunt talk about their love life and relationship together ever since they met back in 1997. Karen shares stories about what life was like before they had...

Ruth Ann Bramson and Jim Salminen

Ruth Ann Bramson: 2021-02-05 16:49:23 Jim Salminen talks with Ruth Ann Bramson about his family and growing up in East Marion