Laura Honeywood & Mark Wood: "It turned out pretty good, kiddo"

Laura Honeywood (40) talks with her father, Mark Wood (71) about his childhood growing up in the midwest, his parents who met during World War II and the most important lessons in his life.

Jane Baxter

Jane Baxter, 58, speaks about various experiences: growing up as a lesbian in the south, living out of her RV for a year, and being deeply influenced by music.

A Look at the South by a Southerner Who Left / An Interview: Allen Peacock and Jennifer Peacock

Jennifer Peacock (46) and Allen Peacock (84) talk about growing up in the South and how race and racism affected all aspects of life.

Robert Resnick and Audrey Resnick

Bob Resnick (87) talked with his daughter-in-law Audrey Resnick (61) about his childhood memories in Los Angeles, his courtship and marriage to Renee, and his experiences in the Navy Reserve, stationed in Hawaii (while Hawaii was still a territory).

Grace Blomberg and Liv Hedstrom

Grace Blomberg (14) and her best friend Liv Hedstrom (14) talk about Covid-19, their friendship and life stories.