Keren & CJ Holt

Keren & CJ share their story of pregnancy loss. How well-meaning friends and family members condolences often felt unintendedly hurtful in the moment, and not knowing how they wanted to grieve, they decided to have a private funeral for their...

Alicia Swift & Scott Acord

Alicia is young and has always led an active life until she was infected with Covid in 2021. She beat the original symptoms, but has since been battling long covid which has taken its toll on her. The worst of...

Jessica Quintal Alverez & Jennifer Eid Ammons

Colleagues Jessica and Jennifer work on the Mobile Medical Van community outreach program for Providence Health in Sonoma County, California. In order to gain the trust of the homeless community they serve, they take a personalized approach by getting to...

Armand Zoulika and Mary Peterson

Armand shares with hospice chaplain Mary the meaning of Ramadan and the challenges of coming together as a community in person during COVID and shares his sorrow at the death of his mother and how he bakes to remember her.

Carrie Kilpatrick-White, Christi Crowley and Therese Lewandowski

Christi and Carrie share about some of the tender, joyful, healing moments of Camp Erin to provide a safe and loving place for children who have lost a loved one to be with other children and teens who are also...

Carnell Hampton & Will Rogers

Carnell shares his COVID-19 story of spending 297 days in the hospital, losing half his right leg, the toes on his left foot, almost dying several times, and he still has a positive outlook on life.

Danielle Jenkins and Marie Ballance

Danielle shares with Marie her story of always wanting to be a mother and trying for 5 years to get pregnant as a single mom. When she finally got pregnant at 41 she miscarried the baby and the trauma and...

Robin Slemenda and Liz Wessel

Robin shared about her life journey with living her life as a vocation and the influence her mother had on her life. She was a pillar of strength. Her mom modeled a life of generous giving to help some of...

Kathy Edge and Stacie Clark

Stacie shares about how her role as the Clinical Community Liaison at Providence hospice helps foster teamwork and care for patients. She shares her admiration for the sacrifices, creativity nd deep care she has witnesses in caregivers working in facilities...

Cayce Kaufman and Leonard Gillard

Cayce shares with Leonard her experience working at Providence and watching how hard everyone was working to combat the pandemic only to find herself on the other side of the windshield when they came out to test her and her...

Gisele Bazan & Scott Acord

Gisele talks about being a nurse educator during the COVID-19 pandemic as it hit Lubbock, TX and educating new nurses.

Rose Austria & Will Rogers

Rose talks about her nursing career as a case manager and winning a nurse of the year award. She shares heartbreaking stories about working with COVID patients, losing her mother during the pandemic.

Elizabeth Garman and Rachel Manchester

Elizabeth shared her amazing life journey, teen pregnancy, loss of baby, humanitarian work with hemophilia education in impoverished countries, COVID journey and loss of family members, strength in adversity, a life of meaning and purpose, Providence mission. faith, leading with...

Kate De Sousa and Jamie Welch

Jamie and Kate talk about their experience working in a SNF during the COVID pandemic. Includes stories of vaccinated residents testing positive after exposure by unvaccinated healthcare workers, and a plea for vaccination.

Dianna Reely and Edie Baker

Dianna and Edie talk about where they met and the evolution of their careers. They discuss the surprise direction both careers have taken and the joy they have found.

Tran Pham and Melody Fawcett

Tran shares her experience of the loss of her premature girl, Bao An Pham Huynh shortly after birth. On the anniversary of her daughter's birth, she is taking the day off to honor her memory. She shares her gratitude for...

Boyon Yun & Will Rogers

Boyon shares with Will what led her to a career as a nurse practitioner and now has her DNP, working during COVID and being overextended. Her work with the APC mentorship program at Providence.

Share Christie and Leah Phillips

Share Christie speaks with Leah Phillips, a nurse, who was with her mom in the ICU during her mothers last days during COVID

Lauren Sawson and Sara Epstein

Lauren shares with her friend Sara the story of her miscarriage. How the emotional and physical pain she has been through has changed her and the steps she has taken to heal.

Carmen Marshall & Elbe

Carmen and Elbe met a few months prior at a support group Elbe started for parents of LGBTQ kids in their conservative town. They’re both parents of a transgendered child. Carmen talks about what she has learned and the support...

Beth Peterson & Will Rogers

Beth, a nurse working in information services, recently won a nurse of the year award at Providence. She talks about the joy and rewards of her job, how things have changed because of the pandemic and what she has learned...