Novel Recommendations: Ensuring a Complete Education. Mark and Annie Huetteman talk book recommendations and the impact of literary merits.
September 14, 2018 App Interview

In this recording Annie Huetteman interviews her father, Mark Huetteman, about how literature has played a role in his life. He recommends to her a literary merit to complete her high school education.

Lit Life: Phillip Borhani and Carter Smith discussing “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.

In this interview, Phillip Borhani and fellow classmate Carter Smith discuss the topics of addressing stereotypes and social norms as well as the idea of morality versus justice in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.

Kiernan Lynch and Rachel Fuechtman talk about “A Tale of Two Cities” and why they read books of literary merit

In this recording, Hinsdale Central students Kiernan Lynch and Rachel Fuechtman discuss their thoughts on “A Tale of Two Cities” and how they interpreted the characters and themes.

Natalie and Robert Holt talk about the importance of Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged
December 10, 2019 App Interview

In this interview Natalie and Robert Holt discuss the importance of the lessons learned in Atlas Shrugged and how they are applicable today.