We Need More Teachers Like Her!

My name is Ozan Kara and I am a 17 years old cultural exchange student from Turkey. As an high school student in Bloomington, Indiana, I have had the chance to know a wonderful person, Vanessa Domizlaff, my German teacher...

Diane, retired teacher, talks about her family and reflects on her accomplishments as a teacher.

Diane (76) is asked about her childhood and family, as well as the people who affected her life the most. She reflects on her own and her son's weddings, as well as her daughter-in-law. Diane answers why she wanted to...

Chicago is Where I Wanna Be

Nichole Perez (17) interviewed Sean McGuire(28) and found out he grew up in a small town, but always knew he wanted to come to Chicago.

Cathy (mom) and Elizabeth (daughter) talking about the Covid 19 from 2 (educational) perspectives

I am a science teacher (56) in a middle school struggling to keep my students engaged. My daughter (17) is a high schooler with a very in-depth understanding of how this pandemic is affecting students. We talk about this subject...

A Word with Dr. Robin

(Updated 1/6/21: Edited to improve sound and decrease overlap caused by delay.) In an overdue reunion, Robin Wilson graced me with an hour of her Sunday to share her story. She passed down a major portion of my teaching-for-justice toolbox...

Jim Eyster Was on The Move as a Child

My Grandpa Jim Eyster is a very impressive man who grew up in multiple different states due to his fathers job. His mother lived to the age of 102 and made an impact on my Grandpa’s life and many strangers.

I’m a teacher with ADHD and I can do anything.

This interview is based on ADHD and how to cope. There are ways to cope as a teacher with ADHD.

Living His Best Life

My interview with my Great Uncle Steve was nothing short of spectacular. I learned a lot about his interesting life story and was able to discover the secrets of how to live a long and happy life. We talked about...

Interview with instructor Lacey Jenkins (24) and student Jania Doyal (19).

Lacey Jenkins (24) will be talking about some personal/professional accomplishments, her greatest influence in life, a teacher that impacted her life, and the COVID-19 pandemic. She will also share her thoughts on the Black Lives Matter demonstrations, how it feels...