Steve Desroches and Cody Sullivan

Steve Desroches (48) talks to artist Cody Sullivan (30) about his work in Provincetown, Massachusetts, particularly his performances and radio plays as Saltine, a character of his creation who lives on the fictitious Eggs Isle as well as about life...

Elena Serrano and her mother, Monica Serrano, talking about Monicas childhood.

My name is Elena Serrano, I'm 15 and I interviewed my mom, Monica Serrano, who is 45. We discussed topics about her childhood. Such as, what she wanted to be when she was younger to the worst trouble she ever...

My mom and I lol

In this interview, conducted in November 2017 in Cicero, Illinois, Efren Carreño (18) interviews his mother Maria Cardona (45) about her childhood in the country she was born

Thanksgiving History with Grandma

I take the time to learn more about who my grandma is, and who the rest of my family was too. Banks, school in Italy, Frank getting taken out by a gold-diggers with a frying pan... There's a lot I...

Asia interviews her grandfather, John Allen Ashford and learns more about his life.

In this interview, made on December 19th, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois, Asia interviews her grandfather John. They talk about his parents and how he got his name. Asia learned that her grandfather didn’t finish high school and was very active...

Interview with my dad

We talked about how he started his career, older family members, and favorite holidays.

Savannah Hill and her Grandpa Adolph Svec’s experiences from college, the military, and his family.

An interview with my grandfather about his experiences and reflections on his life during his different careers. He talks about his military life, teaching life, important people in his life, and the history of his parents and grandparents.

Thanksgiving interview

This interview is with my mom and I am asking her questions about her life.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Over the weekend, I asked my family members a couple questions in order to get to know them better. I am grateful to have them in my life and I’m glad I had the chance to learn more about their...