
I asked my grandma about her opinions and a few stories about her past and how she came to who she is today.

Nancy Colvin on Her Life

I talk to my grandmother about growing up, having kids, moving, and her purpose in life.

A life worth living

I interviewed my grandma Paulette Haile she is 78.We talked about how her and her spouse met. Their happiest moments together.And if you could go back and relive your teenage years would you ?

Grandma’s Lifestyle

This storycorps interview was about my grandmother life. All her experiences and things as a whole she would like to pass on.

Pappy and Me

What Pappy’s life was like and what my family did. My greatgrandfathers life.

All About Ms.Sims
February 13, 2019 App Interview

My lovely neighbor Ms.Sims talks about her life experiences and shares some wisdom.

Progress and Paradox, Theo Hassinger and Sharon Rolley

A grandmother and her grandson discuss how times have changed and things the grandson had no idea about his family history.

My Grandmother & I

talked to grandmother about her life & my mother