Edith Reed

Edith discusses her 101 year life, highlighting music, including her time spent at Juilliard School and Columbia University. She also discusses her family; both while growing up and the family she started with her husband John. She also mentions how...

Getting to know my Mom

In this interview I talked with my mother and asked her many things about her childhood and adult life. We talked about what she was like as a child and what she did. She gave advice to her teenage self...

Grandpa’s Stories

Grandpa talked about when he was a child and the most difficult times in his life

“You Can Do Better….”

My grandpa, Rich Spencer, has had a great life. In this interview, you’ll learn about his great accomplishments and upbringing. From Evanston Wyoming to Harvard Buisness School, you’ll see the steps he took to achieve success.

Enjoying What Is With Mom

It’s important to never underestimate yourself. You can do so much by yourself and even more with people supporting you. There are so many joys in this world, but family brings the most joy.