"I wanted to see the world:" Sailor, History Buff Paulist Father Marcos Zamora

Paulist Father Marcos Zamora joined the U.S. Navy to see the world. In many ways, he'd already experienced a lot of world culture--he grew up in a multiethnic community in Chicago and he'd studied ancient cultures en route to becoming...

Identity and Faith: Growing Up Gay in the LDS Church

Tracey Fluegel (55) tells her son Oliver Fluegel-Murray (18) about her young adulthood after growing up in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Going into her struggles in discovering her sexuality and identity while in a culture that...

Mary Sheila Harmon-Sasso and Mary Harmon-Christian

Mary "Cathy" Harmon-Christian (57) talks with her aunt Mary Sheila Harmon-Sasso (83) about the Harmon family line and their roots in Illinois by way of Ireland.

Hazel Gomez and Mark Crain

Mark Crain (33) interviews his wife, Hazel Gomez (36), about her upbringing in Chicago, her view on motherhood, and her work as a faith leader.