Adventurous German American Woman traveling in Remote Southern Mexico in 1959

Travel in remote Mexico to visit the Lacandon Indians in the jungle of Chiapas with a young documentary film maker in 1959. Travels of 19 year old Brigitte Heberle Stehlik and Manhattan Montana hitchhiking

About Richard Needham

Eric DeWitt interviews his girlfriend Emma Needham regarding her memories with her grandfather.

Grandma Madeleine Interview

This interview is a one-to-one, over the phone conversation with my grandma about her life. My grandma and I spoke about her childhood, her career as a nurse, and what she wants to be remembered as.

Part Two: Maria speaks of transition, settling into Richmond, and her dreams of bringing more Mexican culture to her adopted city!

Part one of two: Maria sits down with Alison and translator Kaitlyn to talk about family, her move to Richmond, and ways she believes we can incorporate more Mexican culture into the town she has grown to love and appreciate!

Great Thanksgiving Listen

In the interview I focused mainly on early life and her best years and tried to focus on the positive throughout the interview.