New Beginning

learning the struggles of moving to the u.s from an immigrant

Interviewing my Mother

We talked about her childhood , what she is most grateful in life for. She has wonderful experiences in the past.

My mother, Miriam Menchaca, and her life

The interview taken in Fort Worth, Texas was for my mother, Miriam Menchaca. The interview is over the experiences my mother had when growing up in Mexico.

Immigration Stories: Mexico-United States An Oral History – Anonymous 16

Anonymous Interviewee #16 talks about growing up in Mexico and having family in the United States. He speaks about his life in Mexico and what he is most proud of.

entrevistando a César Catana

Cesar Catana(48) inmigró a los estados unidos cuando tenía solo 17 años y hoy va a compartir su historia!

Mother's life reflection

Yadira Lopez (48) Mother of Vanessa Lopez (19) the interviewer discusses life in Mexico among other things.

Story Corps

In this interview I talked to my brother. This interview was very relaxed and I just asked him about his life.

el Camino de Domingo

En esta entrevista, Domingo habla de su camino de México a los Estados Unidos. El menciona que en su proceso de estar aquí tenía que adaptarse para enfrentar obstáculos para prosperar en Nueva York donde llegó. El dejó la familia...

Entrevista a Alfredo Olvera

Andrean Olvera (21) entrevista a su padre, Alfredo Olvera (52). La historia de mi padre un inmigrante de su origen, su proceso de inmigración llegando a su adaptación en los Estados Unidos. Su experiencia que ha pasado y como a...