My Grandfather’s Experience Immigrating from Italy

This interview talked about my grandfather’s experience coming from Italy to America and what he was like growing up.

My grandpa/Jose Plascencia story

In this interview my grandpa talks about his life as a child and his family. He will be speaking in English and Spanish.

A Graceful Man, Manuel Carrizalez SR.

My Grandpa, is a man who defies his age by doing things that make him feel young at heart. He always radiates with positivity and is a very inspirational role model. His smile is infectious and his essence always brightens...

A thanksgiving interview

This thanksgiving I got the opportunity to talk with my grandma about things I wouldn’t have ever known if it weren’t for this app

The Mysterious White-haired Man

Young Aaron interviews her Grandfather on the night before he leaves to go home in California. The two share some laughs over his children and Aaron's father. They get a bit emotional over his time in the military and the...

My Grandpa’s reflections

Talks about his life as a child and life in the late 40’s and in 50’s and his time as a teacher

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

Sima and his grandma, Irene, talk about Irene’s life the morning after a long day of hosting a 50 person Thanksgiving Day party

Small but Feisty

If you tell Jerry Anderson a secret, he will never reveal it, but he’s happy to tell you even the most embarrassing things about himself. Brianna and Anderson 14, interviews her grandpa Jerry Anderson. The interview took place on November...