Interview with Poppa

I learned many things about my Poppa’s love for his wife and family. He is most well known for his professional accomplishments and it was refreshing to hear what he found to be important. Learning about his first experience with...

My Dad favorite things to do growing up.
November 27, 2022 App Interview

today I asked my dad Paul (47) what his favorite activities growing up were. I asked what his favorite thing as a kid was to do and what his favorite part of college was.

Poppi story when growing up
November 18, 2022 App Interview

Poppi's past of his childhood when he was growing up and lifestyle in that time period.

Interview with Grandma Candy

Grandma and I discussed her family history and life before me!

Interview with Grandma

I interviewed my Grandma. She seemed to have a lot of stories so I know she could answer a lot of questions and is good at conversations. I was thinking a few nights ago. I was thinking a few nights...